During Mesozoic time, the Langshan structural belt has experienced a complex intraplate deformation and sedimentation, mainly developed with NE-trending strike-slip motion and SE-vergent thrusting, where that the thrusting deformation transformed the earlier strike-slip faults. In the ductile shear zones, granitic intrusion was extensively suffered by NE-, NNE-trending cleavage deformation. During these deformation stages, muscovite and biotite developed as synkinematic minerals elongated parallel to the stretching lineations and deformational surfaces. U-Pb zircon TMS dating and muscovite, biotite 40Ar/39Ar dating yielded sequenced age constraints: 1) 246-235Ma, Middle Triassic: with the closure of Paleo-Asian Oceanic Sea, the Siberian plate was coming into collision with the North China Craton, and the Lang Shan was intruded with a series of intermediateacidity granite. 2)Middle to Late Jurassic: NE-trending strike-slip motion happened in the mid- upper in the Lang Shan area, the biotite's Ar-Ar isotope ages are yielded as at 173-178Ma. This NE-trending strike-slipping may be related to the far-field stress-release of the west Pacific plate subduction,which resulted in the Ordos block's counter-clockwise rotation at the same time. 3)The most prominent structure on the cross- sections is a moderate to low-angle, SE-vergent and NW-dip thrust faults that juxtaposes crystalline units against a variety of footwall strata. We dated biotite and got another group of the Ar-Ar isotope ages at 121-116Ma. The SE-vergent compression maybe represent the final closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean, and the southward moving of the Siberian Block. This deformation stage can be compared to the ESE-ward crustal thinning of eastern China during the Early Cretaceous.
Gansu Geology