本文研究了 TPO 基因注射法对健康小鼠血小板的促生成效果。将带有 TPO cDNA 的pcDNA3 质粒按60μg/只剂量注射到昆明小鼠后肢内侧肌肉内,每天断尾采血,对白细胞和血小板计数。一定时间内采股骨骨髓推片,计数单位面积内的巨核细胞数。以同期未注射的小鼠作为对照组。结果显示,在基因注入后的第三天起即出现血小板和巨核细胞增多。在所观察的三周内,血小板有一可持续一周的高水平期,平均约为同期对照的184% ,最高可达三倍以上。计数高峰后血小板计数在高于对照水平上呈波动状态。小鼠脾脏出现以巨细胞增生和内皮细胞活化为特点的组织学变化,提示TPO
In this paper, we studied the effects of injected TPO gene on mice platelet (PLT) production. TPO cDNA cloned in pcDNA3, an eukarocytic expression plasmid, was syringed mice skeleton muscle (60μg each). White blood cells (WBC) and PLT in blood that collected by tail cut were counted, and megakaryocytes density on bone marrow smears estimated. Same aged uninjected mice as control. Increase of megakaryocyte density and PLT count was appeared in the second day and third day respectively after gene injection. In the 3 weeks of observation, PLT increase lasted for about one week, its average number was about 184% that of the control, and the highest reached over 3 times. Since then, PLT counts fluctuated but it was still higher than control. WBC counts were not significantly changed except the first 2 days. Bone marrow sections also demonstrated megakaryocyte density increase.Macrophage number significantly grew in the spleens, and the histological aspects were like that in an immunological response. It is suggested that TPO gene injection strongly promote platelet production.
Journal of General Hospital of Air Force,PLA