
小体积肝移植大鼠模型的技术要点和改进 被引量:1

Technical essentials and improvements for reduced-size liver transplantation model in rats
摘要 目的:建立稳定的大鼠30%小体积肝移植模型。方法:采用体质量相近雄性SD大鼠,分别采用体内切除肝脏左叶、中叶,保留尾状叶、右叶和三角叶获取小体积供肝,采用”二袖套”法植入肝脏,测定供肝占全肝湿重比率以及观察术后2、7 d生存率。结果:共完成80例大鼠小体积肝移植模型;供肝重(4.02±0.64)g,全肝重(11.84±1.36)g,供肝占全肝湿重比率为33.81%,95%可信区间为33.22%~34.40%。受体2、7 d生存率分别为84%、66%,死亡原因主要为腹腔出血、胆汁漏、腹腔感染、慢性供肝失功能、肺部感染等。结论:采用切除肝脏左叶和中叶的方法可以尽可能地减少残存无功能肝脏,保留的肝叶重量比率接近30%,可以稳定地建立小体积肝移植模型。 Objective: To establish a stable 30% reduced-size liver transplantation model in rats. Methods: Using male SD rats of similar weight, the reduced-size grafts were obtained by resecting the hepatic left and medial lobe in vivo, with preservation of the caudate, right and triangle lobe of the liver, and liver implantation was performed by two-cufftechnique, respectively. ~tae wet weight ratio of graft to the entire liver was determined, and the 2- and 7-d post-implantation survival rates were observed. Results: A total of 80 reduced-size liver transplantation rat models were created. The wet weight of graft and entire liver was (4.02±0.64) g and (11.84±1.36) g respectivel)5 and the wet weight ratio graft to entire liver was 33.81%, with the 95% confident interval of 33.22% to 34.40%. The 2- and 7-d post-implantation survival rate of the recipient was 84% and 66% respectivel)5 and the main causes of death included abdominal hemorrhage, bile leakage, abdominal infection, chronic liver graft dysfunction, and pulmonary infection. Conclusion: The method of resecting left and middle lobe can maximally reduce the non-functional remnant liver, with weight ratio of remnant liver to entire liver approximating to 30%, by which the stable reduced-size liver transplantation model can be established.
出处 《中国普通外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期970-974,共5页 China Journal of General Surgery
基金 江苏省卫生厅医学科技发展基金资助项目[(2009)15号]
关键词 肝移植 模型 动物 大鼠 Liver Transplantation Models, Animal Rats
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