

The Suitability of Potassium Thiocyanate Method Used in Nicotine Detection of Exported Flue-cured Tobacco
摘要 为更安全且准确地测定出口烤烟中的烟碱含量,采用新颁布的行业标准YC/T 468-2013《烟草及烟草制品总植物碱的测定连续流动(硫氰酸钾)法》和传统的氰化钾法,利用流动分析仪,对出口烤烟中的原烟和配方打叶成品片烟进行测试比对,并用两种方法在不同国家实验室测试比对。结果表明:原烟和成品片烟的测试,其方差齐性均值差异检验p值均大于0.05,无显著性差异;不同国家实验室的硫氰酸钾法与氰化钾法测试结果的相对偏差值都在2%以内,一致性较好。硫氰酸钾法的试验结果的到了国际客户的广泛认可,完全可以替代氰化钾法,作为贵州省出口烤烟烟碱的测定方法。 In order to better detect nicotine content of flue- cured tobacco for export,the potassium thiocyanate method( PTM) in newly issued industrial standard,YC / T 468- 2013,was compared with the traditional potassium cyanide method( PCM) by continuous flow analyzer using raw tobacco and threshed strips in different state key laboratory. No significant difference in nicotine content were obtained between raw tobacco and threshed strips,with homogeneity test of variance at probability of 0. 05 level. The relative deviation of nicotine content detected by PTM and PCM was lower than 2% detected in various laboratories,suggesting a uniformity of the two methods. PTM,which was generally accepted by international customs,might be used in Guizhou province for nicotine detection and tobacco export.
出处 《山地农业生物学报》 2015年第3期31-34,59,共5页 Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
基金 中国烟草总公司行业标准项目"出口烤烟分级标准"[201013023]资助
关键词 出口烤烟 烟碱 连续流动分析 硫氰酸钾法 氰酸钾法 替代 Exported flue-cured tobacco Nicotine Continuous flow analytical method Potassium thiocyanate method Potassium cyanide method Replacement
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