Recent developments in the safety management of large dams and in particular the use of riskassessment and associate management strategies has raised awareness of the importance for dam ownersto manage their dams in a whole-of-business context.Dam owners can range from large to small public or private organisations, or in some cases individuals.Each dam owner will have different governance and management arrangements, corporate objectives andoperating environment, overall business drivers, financial capacity, technical capability and risk appe-tite. Larger dam owners may have a significant portfolio of dams, be well informed and have access to theinternal and external technical skills necessary to take informed dam safety and management decisionswhereas for many organisations the responsibilities and liabilities associated with the ownership of adam may not be well understood. In some organisations the dam may not be critical to the business or itmay even no longer have a function. However, irrespective of the nature of a business owning or with re-sponsibility for a dam, there are fundamental principles which should be followed to ensure that an ap-propriate level of dam safety management is undertaken to support and protect not only that business butalso the affected community and environment.This paper outlines the need, purpose, objectives and fundamentals of a successful Dam Safety Manage-ment System together with examples of the implementation and benefits of such a system for dam ownersfrom both technical and corporate governance perspective.
Dam & Safety
integrated dam safety management systems