
亲子依恋与父母养育方式之间的关系 被引量:2

Association between Parent-Child Attachment and Parenting Styles
摘要 本研究采用问卷调查和多元线性回归分析方法,探讨269名儿童的早期亲子依恋对父母养育方式的预测。具体测量内容包括:儿童14个月时,母亲报告母子依恋程度,父亲报告父子依恋程度;儿童24个月时,母亲和父亲分别报告各自的保护担忧、严厉和接受等养育方式。结果发现:(1)母子依恋能正向预测母亲的接受,且负向预测母亲的保护担忧和严厉;(2)父子依恋能正向预测父亲的接受,且负向预测父亲的严厉。因此,母子依恋和父子依恋对父母各自养育方式的预测作用既存在着相同之处也存在着不同之处。 his study aimed to examine whether parent-child attachment (mother-child attachment and father-child attachment) during early childhood could predict parental parenting styles. Participants were 269 children (1 32 boys and 137 girls) and their parents obtained from a longitudinal study in Nanjing, China. When children were 14 months old, parents reported their parent-child attachment by using parent-child attachment scale adapted from Attachment Q-Sort. When children were 24 months old, parents self-reported their parenting styles in protection/concem, harsh parenting and acceptance by using Child-Rearing Practices Report scale. Results revealed that: mother-child attachment could positively predict maternal acceptance (β=0.34, p〈0.001), and negatively predict maternal protection/concern (β=- 0.13, p〈0.05) and harsh parenting (β=-0.20, p〈0.01). Father-child attachment could positively predict paternal acceptance (β=0.27, p〈0.001) and negatively predict paternal harsh parenting (β=- 0.20, p〈0.001). These results indicated that parent-child attachment as an independent subsystem might impact parent subsystem in family ecosystem.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2015年第1期32-38,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 教育部科技创新工程重大项目基金(704025) 东南大学基本科研业务费资助项目
关键词 亲子依恋 保护担忧 严厉 接受 parent-child attachment, protection/concern, harsh parenting, acceptance
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