
光伏电站发电量低原因分析及处理 被引量:5

Analysis of Low Power Generation in PV Power Station and Its Treatment
摘要 对乌兰伊力更光伏电站部分太阳能电池方阵发电量低的原因进行分析,通过目测、开路电压测试、热成像仪3种方式对光伏组件进行检测,对检测出问题的电池板进行了更换处理;同时,利用横向方式(电池板型号相同、变流器厂家不同)对逆变器输出功率进行了比较,分析认为逆变器控制精度差及延时启动等原因导致光伏电站发电量偏低,通过更改逆变器控制模式、升级改造设备等措施,提高了系统发电量和设备运行稳定性。 Make reason analysis of lower power generation of solar (:ell array in Wulanyiligeng PV Station, with three ways of visual inspection, open circuit voltage test and thermal imager to detect the PV modules, and the managed PV modules were changed. At the same time, the output power of the inverters were in lateral comparison in this paper (the same type PV modules and the different conveners). The influencing factors of the generating capacity were the control accuraey of the inverter and the delay start, and so on, and the power generation and operation stability of the system were improved by changing the inverter control mode and equipment upgrade.
出处 《内蒙古电力技术》 2015年第3期37-40,共4页 Inner Mongolia Electric Power
关键词 光伏电站 光伏组件 逆变器 功率曲线 MPPT 预充电电阻 温度校验 PV power station PV modules inverter power curve MPPT perchargingresistor temperature calibration
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