

Non-Culture Factors in Mass Culture:Culture Industry Reconsidered in Contemporary China
摘要 文化工业批判理论是大众文化批评理论的重要来源,揭露了大众文化的非文化性。本文就这一理论对大众文化商品化、拜物教、标准化及消费文化的论断进行了中国语境下的适用性分析。随着信息技术的突飞猛进和传媒手段的多元化,中国社会的商品化程度不断深化,物化现象层出不穷,个性消失殆尽,消费主义泛滥肆虐,证明了将大众文化非文化性这一论断放置于当代中国语境的合法性,对解决当代中国社会面临的文化认同危机具有现实意义。 The culture industry critique is an important source of modern mass culture critical theories, which exposes the non- culture aspect of the mass culture. This thesis explores the feasibility of applying the critique to contemporary China, in terms of merehandization, fetishism, standardization and consumerism. With the astounding advance and update of information technology ancl mass media, China is flooded with incessant phenomena of merchandization and materialization, which leads to the loss of uniqueness and artistry, combined with the overwhelming prevalence of consumerism. It verifies the validity of applying the culture industry critique in the context of contemporary China, which is of practical significance to cope with the cultural identity crisis in China.
作者 李怡慧
出处 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 2015年第3期81-85,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Humane Science)
基金 浙江海洋学院校级科研项目"后现代消费语境下‘文化工业’批判理论的重构"(编号:X12M09)
关键词 文化工业 非文化性 中国语境 大众文化 culture industry non-culture Chinese context mass culture
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