
电子教材写作工具的交互元件设计与功能实现 被引量:3

The Interaction Element Design and Function Implementation of Electronic Textbook Writing Tool
摘要 内容交互是电子教材区别传统纸质教材的一个关键特征与用户良好体验所在。该文通过对以语文、英语为代表的文科课程和以数学、物理为代表的理科课程电子教材中交互知识点的内容分析,设计了六类电子教材通用交互元件,包括文本、图片、幻灯片、视频动画、主观题和交互组。在此基础上,依据设计的电子教材通用交互元件和用户体验原则,采用J2EE的技术路线和开源的My SQL底层数据库,设计开发了电子教材写作工具软件。该软件包括教材结构设计、内容片断编写、交互片断选择和学习过程记录等四部分功能,支持教师基于多种终端设备和操作系统协作编写电子教材且内容具有终端适应性。最后分别展示了Web端和移动端的电子教材编写案例。 The content interaction is a key feature and preferable user experience of electronic textbook related to traditional paper materials. Content analysis is conducted for interaction knowledge of arts curriculum that include Chinese and English and science curriculum that include mathematics and physics. Then we designed six kinds of general interaction elements which include text, picture, slide, video animation, subjective question and interaction group. In addition, the electronic textbook writing software was developed using J2EE technology line and open source of MySQL bottom database according to the general interaction element and user experience principle. The software include four parts function that are structural design of instruction material, content fragments written, interaction fragment selection, and learning process record. It can support cooperative written for instructors based on various terminal equipment and operating system and be displayed with adaptive terminal. Finally, the examples of electronic textbooks for the web and mobile are demonstrated respectively.
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期92-98,共7页 China Educational Technology
基金 2012年全国教育信息技术研究"十二五"规划重点课题"电子教材基础技术框架及适用性研究"(课题编号:126220694)研究成果
关键词 电子教材 交互知识点 内容分析 交互元件 学习记录 Electronic Textbook Interaction Knowledge Point Content Analysis Interaction Element Learning Record
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