
橡胶种植户参与价格稳定基金的影响因素 被引量:4

Study on Willingness of Rubber Farmers to Participate in Price Stability Fund
摘要 运用海南省、云南省西双版纳州496个橡胶种植户的问卷调查数据,分析农户对有政府补贴的价格稳定基金的认知以及影响参与的因素。研究结果表明:不信任是农户不愿意参与价格稳定基金的主要原因,受教育程度较高的农户更倾向于不参与,橡胶生产专业化程度较高的农户则是更愿意参与,对价格的风险态度对参与意愿没有显著影响。最后分析了可能导致价格稳定基金失败的主要风险。 This paper analyzes the cognizance and factors affecting farmers' willingness to participate in Price stabilization fund( PSF) with subsidy based on a survey of 496 samples conducted in Hainan and Yunnan province in 2013. Results show that mistrust is the main reason why some farmers refuse to be involved in PSF; farmers with higher education level have weaker willingness while those whose degree of specialization of rubber plantations is larger are more willing to take part in PSF; the attitude towards price volatility weakly affects the willingness. Finally,we analyze main risks of PSF.
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2015年第4期330-337,共8页 Issues of Forestry Economics
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(1630022013009) 国家社会科学基金青年项目(11CJY064) 天然橡胶产业技术建设体系产业经济岗位(CARS-34-GW11)
关键词 农户 价格稳定基金 橡胶 认知 影响因素 farmers rubber price stability fund cognizance willingness affecting factors
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