Objective To evaluate the safety of endovascular embolization of paraclinoid aneurysms of internal carotid arteries (ICA) and its effect. Methods The clinical data of 104 patients with 112 paraclinoid aneurysms of ICA receiving endovascular embolization from 2009 to 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. Of 112 paraclinoid aneurysms, 36 belonged in type [ a, 24 in type I b, 28 in type Ⅱ , 21 in type Ⅲ, and 3 in type Ⅳ according to A1-Radhan classification. Thirty-two aneurysms were embolized with coils and 80 with stent-assisted coiling technique. Results DSA immediately after the treatment showed that of 112 aneurysms, 83 (74.1%) were completely occluded, 13 (11.6%) incompletely and 16 (14.3%) had aneurysmal neck remnant. The postoperative complications included incompletely occlusion of the central artery of retina in 1 patient and basal ganglion hemorrhage 3 days after the embolization in 1. Of 93 aneurysms followed up from 3 months to 2 years, 88 were completely stably occluded and 5 recurred. Conclusion The endovascular embolization is a safe and effective method to treat the paraclinoid aneurysms of CIA.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery
Paraclinoid aneurysms
Endovascular embolization
Curative effect