
美国高校创业教育新纪元:“创业美国计划”的出台、实施与特点 被引量:12

The New Era for the Entrepreneurship Education of Higher Institutes in America:The Introduction,Implementation and Characteristics of the “Startup America Initiative”
摘要 "创业美国计划"(2011)是奥巴马政府尝试整合公共部门和私营部门的力量,在全美创造和鼓励更多高成长企业的纲领性计划。受该计划影响,美国高校创业教育围绕"人才—国家"、"精英—大众"两个维度,在创业型工程人才培养、以创业计划大赛服务国家优先发展领域、突破性技术的创新创业以及社区学院创业教育等领域取得了新进展。各利益相关者职责明确、加强协同,是美国高校创业教育发展的重要原因。 The "Startup America Initiative"(2011) is a guiding plan brought forward by the Obama adminis- tration to inspire and encourage the higher growth of enterprises throughout the United States, with the integration of the force of the public sector and the private one. Affected by the initiative, the en- trepreneurship education fEE) in American higher educational institutions (HEIs) has been concen- trating on two dimensions of "the Talent-the Country" and "the Elite-the Masses", and has witnessed new achievements in the fields of cultivating entrepreneurship-oriented engineering talent, making en- trepreneurial plan competitions serve the prior industries of the nation, innovation and entrepreneur- ship of breakthrough technologies, and entrepreneurship education in community colleges. The indis- pensable reason for the development of entrepreneurship education in the U. S. goes to the clear re- sponsibilities and strong collaboration among stakeholders.
作者 梅伟惠 陈悦
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期82-87,共6页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"高校创业教育的组织模式与运行机制创新研究"(14CGL063) 浙江省自然科学基金青年项目"大学与区域协同发展的实现机制与政策体系研究"(LQ14G030012)的阶段性成果
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