目的了解全国2010年住院患者系统疾病构成及年龄分布状况。方法对全国2010年住院系统疾病分类资料进行整理、统计、分析。结果 2010年全国累计住院36 256 226人,按系统疾病排序,前10位依次是循环系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病、损伤和中毒、消化系统疾病、妊娠、分娩和产褥期、肿瘤、泌尿生殖系统疾病、其他接受收医疗服务、传染病和寄生虫疾病、内分泌、营养和代谢疾病。位于前10位的系统疾病合计31 378 416人,占住院总数的86.54%。从疾病分类年龄别分析,15岁-44岁、45岁-59岁、60岁及以上3个年龄段的住院患者居多,共占住院患者疾病分类总数的83.70%。结论通过对全国2010年住院系统疾病的构成分析,可了解全国医院住院各系统疾病的发病、死亡及年龄分布,为有效开展疾病研究和防治提供可靠的统计数据。
Objective Tounderstandthe national 2010 inpatient system diseaseconstitution and age distribution.Method for the classification of diseases inhospitalized in 2010 system data collation,statistics,analysis.Results in 2010 the national total of 36 256 226 people hospitalized,sorted by system diseases,the first 10 followed by circulatory system disease,respiratory system disease,injury and poisoning,digestive system diseases,pregnancy,childbirth and the puerperium,tumor,disease of the genitourinary system,other accept medical service,infectious and parasitic diseases,endocrine,nutritional and metabolic diseases. System disease is located in the top 10 of the total 31 378 416 people,accounting for 86.54% of the total number of hospital.From the classification of diseases,age 15-44 years old,the majority of hospitalized patients,45-59 years old,60 years old and above the age of 3,accounted for 83.70% of the total number of in-patient disease classification.Conclusion through the analysis to the constitution of 2010 national hospital system disease,incidence,mortality and age distribution can be understand in each system diseases in hospitals throughout the country,to provide reliable data for the effectiveresearch and prevention of disease.
The Medical Forum
National Hospitalization patients System diseases Age distribution