
从利用到整合:对信息技术变革学校教育的几点思考 被引量:17

From Utilization to Integration: Reflections on School Education Reformed by Information Technology
摘要 21世纪以来信息技术所引发的巨大社会变革让我们对信息技术变革学校教育的梦想充满了期待,特别是近几年来的"慕课"狂潮与"翻转课堂"洪流似乎更让我们确信,信息技术已撬动学校教育的坚固堡垒,学校教育的变革指日可待。但国内外的大量研究表明,到目前为止,信息技术似乎并未对学校教育产生根本性的影响,信息技术不但没有取代学校、教室、课本与教师,也未深刻地改变学校教育。信息技术并没有也不会必然地带来教育变革。因此,要真正理解信息技术与教育变革的关系,揭开信息技术变革学校教育的迷雾,必须从根本上回答以下三个问题:信息技术真的改变了学校教育吗?信息技术能否改变学校教育?信息技术如何改变学校教育? The enormous social changes caused by information technology since the 21^st century have made us expect to reform school education by information technology.Especially, the tide of "MOOC" and "flipped classroom" in recent years convinces us that information technology has pried the bastion of school education andthat school education reform can be expected soon. However, a large number of domestic and foreign studies show that so far information technology has not had a fundamental impact on school education. Information technology does not only fail to replace school, classroom, textbooks and teachers, but also fails to profoundly change school education. Information technology has not, and will not necessarily bring education reform. Therefore, to truly understand the relationship between information technology and education reform, and to uncover the fog of school education reformed by information technology, we must fundamentally answer these two questions: can information technology change school education, and how does information technology change school education?
作者 庞红卫
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期23-28,共6页 Research in Educational Development
基金 全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题"信息技术与学校教育的整合研究--基于教育变革的视角"(DAA140198)的部分研究成果
关键词 整合 信息技术 变革 学校教育 integration, information technology, reform, school education
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