This paper analyzes the causes of the rapid development of MOOCs firstly from the perspectives of educational equity and business drive in the era of Internet. Then it reflects on practice and issues related to China ' s open and distance education based on the analysis of MOOCs in terms of the innovation in curriculum ideas, instructional ap- proaches and operation methods. The authors find that the open and distance education institutions in China are not open enough and sensitive to the development of ICTs in the practice. The authors think that MOOCs will probably evolve into different forms in the future, but what is not changed is that it will be learners-centered and utilize the Internet and other ICTs to promote students" deep learning, personalized learning, and social learning. So it is necessary to rethink and adjust the learning goals, pedagogical models and management models of open and distance education in China in alignment with the development of economy, society and technology. Then the teachers will be free from repetitive work and have much more time to communicate and in- teract with the students so us to develop the students' high-order thinking and lifelong learning ability. So the open and distance education institutions will aim to provide individualized, multiple, flexible and lifelong learning opportu- nities and experiences for more people in the coming future.
Open Education Research