目的分析河北省秦皇岛地区成人肺炎支原体感染流行情况,为防治支原体感染提供科学依据。方法用颗粒凝集试剂盒检测2 426份临床疑似肺炎支原体感染者的血清抗体,判断肺炎支原体感染者并分析其流行病学资料。结果肺炎支原体抗体(MP-Ig M)总检出率为9.4%;女性阳性率11.8%(143/1 216),男性7.1%(86/1 210);春、夏、秋、冬4季阳性率分别为7.8%、5.8%、10.7%和12.0%;16∽44岁、45∽59岁、60岁以上患者的MP-Ig M阳性率分别为20.8%、7.6%、3.0%,以上性别、季节、年龄的差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。门诊为肺炎支原体抗体阳性率高的标本来源,门诊23.1%(82/355),病房7.1%(147/2 071)。结论河北省秦皇岛地区成人肺炎支原体抗体阳性率女性高于男性,冬季和青壮年分别是成人肺炎支原体感染的高峰季节和高峰年龄组,门诊为肺炎支原体抗体阳性率高的标本来源。
Objective To analyze the status of adult mycoplasma pneumonia in Qinhuangdao,so as to provide a scientific basis for prevention and treatment of mycoplasma infection. Methods Particle agglutination assay wasused to detect serum antibodies against mycoplasma pneumonia in 2426 clinically suspected infections. Mycoplasma pneumonia infection was determined and seroepidemiologic analysis was conducted on the results of the test. Results The total detection rate of MP- Ig M was 9. 4%. The positive rate of female patients(11. 8%)was higher than that of male patients(7. 1%)( P 0. 01). The positive rates in spring,summer,autumn and winter were respectively 7. 8%,5. 8%,10. 7% and12. 0%,showing statistical difference( P 0. 01).The positive rates of age groups of 16- 44,45- 59 and above 60 years were respectively 20. 8%,7. 6% and3. 0%,showing statistical difference( P 0. 01). Samples from clinic took the highest proportion in the whole positively samples, accounting for 23. 1%( 82 /355) and the proportion in the hospital ward were7. 1%(147 /2071). Conclusion The positive rate of mycoplasma pneumonia in female patients is higher than in males in Qinhuangdao area. The peak incidence is in the winter and young adults are the vulnerable population. Samples from clinic are the major positive samples source.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
community-acquired pneumonia
epidemic trend