
中国廉政建设与改革中的地方创新——基于三个案例的类型学分析 被引量:1

Local Innovations in Reform and Integrity Building in China:Typological Analysis of Three Cases
摘要 长久以来国外学者已经对中国的反腐败制度形成了这样的刻板印象,即中国的反腐败是由中国共产党和国家主导的一种自上而下的反腐败模式。根据"地方创新性程度"和"对中央廉政策略的影响程度"两个指标,将反腐败制度划分为三种类型:由地方自我创新,并已经被中央所采纳和推广的制度;由中央在地方进行试点,鼓励其他地方进行学习和借鉴的制度;地方已经在酝酿和尝试执行,但中央仍然持观望态度的制度。影响不同地方廉政创新类型的主要原因是中央鼓励地方廉政创新和改革的程度、地方主要领导的廉政创新意愿以及在廉政过程中遇到的地方部门利益阻力和民众的态度反馈,由此可见,应在腐败治理策略中重新找回地方力量。 This article focuses on institutional innovations of corruption governance by local governments in China.According to two dimensions: the degree of local creativity,and the impact on central strategies of anti-corruption,institutions created by the local governments can be categorized into three types: the institutions innovated by local government without any central demanding but accepted and diffused by central government; the institutions innovated by local government according to the demand of central government,and then promoted by the central government to national area; the institutions created by local government without being accepted by the central government,but automatically diffused among local governments. The main reasons for the influence of integrity innovation in different places is degree of central government encouraging local integrity innovation and reform,willingness of the key local leaders to integrity innovation,opposition from the local interests groups and public attitude feedback in the process of building integrity,which suggests that local power should come back to corruption governance policies.
作者 李辉
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期7-13,共7页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics:Social Sciences edition Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(11CZZ015)
关键词 中国 反腐败 地方政府 制度创新 廉政建设 China anti-corruption local government institutional innovation integrity building
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