目的分析广东省人感染不同亚型禽流感疫情流行特征。方法回顾性收集广东省1998―2014年期间报告发生的人禽流感确诊病例信息,采用描述性流行病学方法分析病例的流行病学特征和暴露因素。结果 1998—2014年广东省共报告人禽流感确诊病例130例,其中H5N1病例4例、H5N6病例1例、H5亚型1例、H7N9病例113例、H9N2病例11例;死亡43例,病死率为33.08%。81.54%(106/130)病例发生在1—3月和12月,67.69%(88/130)病例发生在珠江三角洲地区。男性81例,女性49例,男女性别比为1.65∶1;≥55岁中老年病例62例,占48.44%(62/128)。92.31%(120/130)病例有明确的活禽相关暴露史,其中从事禽类相关职业占8.33%(10/120),禽类接触暴露占41.67%(50/120),活禽市场环境暴露占50.00%(60/120)。结论广东省人禽流感疫情在冬春季高发,同时呈现一定的区域聚集性;禽类接触和禽类市场环境暴露是主要的感染方式。
Objective To understand the epidemiological features of human infection with avian influenza virus in Guangdong Province. Methods Demographic and epidemiologic data on human cases reported during 1998 -2014 were collected and analyzed. Epidemiological characteristics and exposure fac- tors of the cases were analyzed by using the method of descriptive epidemiology. Results A total of 130 cases infected with avian influenza A viruses were reported from 1998 to 2014, including 4 cases of H5N1, 1 case of H5N6, 1 case of H5 subtype , 113 cases of H7N9,11 cases of H9N2, 43 deaths, with a mortality rate of 33.08% ; 81.54% (106/130) of cases occurred from January to March and in December, and 67. 69% (88/130) occurred in the Pearl River Delta area. Among all the cases, 81 were male and 49 were fe- male, with a male to female ratio of 1.65:1 ; 48.44% (62/128) of cases aged 55 years and over, 92.31% (120/130) had clear exposure to live poultry; 8.33% (10/120) engaged in poultry related occupations, 41.67% (50/120) contacted with poultry, and 50.00% (60/120) had exposure to wet markets with live poultry. Conclusion The epidemic peaks of human infections with avian influenza virus in Guangdong ap- peared in winter and spring, with certain regional clusters. The main source of infection was exposure to the live poultry and wet markets with live poultry.
South China Journal of Preventive Medicine