目的:探讨每日低剂量的西地那非用于治疗女性间质性膀胱炎疗效。方法将2012年6月∽2013年12月期间我院收治的女性间质性膀胱炎患者68例按数字随机法分为观察组和对照组,每组34例。观察组每天服用西地那非0.25 g进行治疗,对照组每天服用相同剂量的淀粉安慰剂。两组均治疗3个月。比较两组疗效、治疗前后每天排尿次数、最大膀胱容量、间质性膀胱炎症状指数和问题指数评分( ICSI、ICPI)、盆腔疼痛和尿频评分( PUF)和生活质量评分( QOL)。结果观察组疗效显著和好转的患者比例及总有效率均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义( p<0.01)。两组治疗前每天排尿次数、最大膀胱容量、ICSI、ICPI、PUF和QOL评分比较差异均无统计学意义( p >0.05)。观察组治疗后最大膀胱容量和QOL评分分别为(265.44±43.85)ml和(44.15±4.69)分,均高于观察组治疗前的(92.45±25.71)ml和(22.14±2.97)分和对照组治疗后(94.12±23.95)ml和(22.38±3.18)分,观察组治疗后每天排尿次数、ICSI、ICPI、PUF则低于观察组治疗前和对照组治疗后,差异均有统计学意义( p<0.05)。结论每日低剂量的西地那非用于治疗女性间质性膀胱炎疗效显著,可有效缓解患者各临床症状并改善患者的生活质量,值得临床推广使用。
Objective To investigate the treatment effect of daily low dose of sildenafil treating interstitial cystitis .Methods 68 patients with interstitial cystitis in our hospital from June , 2012 to December, 2013 were divided into observation group and con-trol group by digital randomized method, 34 cases in each group.Observation group adopted daily dose of sildenafil 0.25 g treatment every day, and control group adopted the same dose of starch placebo every day.Two groups were treated for 3 months.Curative effect, micturition number a day before and after the treatment, the maximum bladder capacity, interstitial bladder inflammation shape index and problem index score ( ICSI, ICPI) , pelvic pain and urinary frequency score ( PUF) and quality of life scores ( QOL) of two groups were compared.Results The rate of significant curative effect and total effective rate of observation group were significantly higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (p〈0.01).Micturition number every day, the maximum bladder capacity, ICSI, ICPI, PUF and QOL scores of the two groups before treatment had no statistical significant differ-ences(p〉0.05).Maximum bladder capacity and QOL scores of observation group after treatment were (265.44 ±43.85) ml and (44.15 ±4.69) respectively, which were higher than the (92.45 ±25.71) ml and (22.14 ±2.97) of the control group after treat-ment and (94.12 ±23.95)ml and (22.38 ±3.18) of observation group before treatment;Urine per day, ICSI, ICPI and PUF of ob-servation group after treatment is lower than that of the observation groups after treatment and that of the control group before treat-ment, and the difference had statistically significant (p〈0.05).Conclusion Daily low dose of sildenafil for treating women with in-terstitial cystitis is worthy of clinical use for it can effectively relieve clinical symptoms and improve patient's life quality.
Modern Hospitals
Low dose
Interstitial cystitis
Curative effect