
以土地整治视角的联合都市区农村居民点空间格局分析 被引量:3

Research on Spatial Distribution of Rural Residential Land in Consolidated Metropolitan Area Based on the Perspective of Land Renovation
摘要 随着"增减挂钩"和"人地挂钩"等政策的实施,农村居民点的合理布局对缓解建设用地供需矛盾意义重大。本研究以吉林省2010年土地利用变更调查数据和2011年统计年鉴数据,运用Arc GIS空间分析和景观指数定量分析相结合的方法,研究了长吉都市区农村居民点空间格局现状特征及其影响因素。同时,用多因子综合评价法确定农村居民点的区位适宜性,将农村居民点划分为不同的整治规划类型,为该区域国土综合开发整治提供理论支持和参考。研究表明:(1)长吉都市区内农村居民点在区内分布不均衡,数量和密集度差异大;(2)地形条件(坡度)、水源条件(河流)、交通状况(公路和铁路),对研究区农村居民点的空间格局均有影响,另外,不同等级的公路(干线和支线)、不同形式的铁路(铁路线和站点),对居民点的作用程度也不同;(3)在此基础上,评价农村居民点图斑的区位适宜性,将农村居民点分为优先发展型、保留发展型和限制发展型,以确定不同类型农村居民点的整治规划方向。 With the implementation of "coordinating urban and rural construction land" policy and "people linked to land" policy, it is of great significance for relieving the contradiction existing in the construction land between supply and demand, and in addition to grasp the laws of spatial pattern and arrange reasonable layouts for rural residential patches that have large renovation potential. Based on the "Land Use Change Survey Database 2010" and "Jilin Statistical Yearbook 2011", the laws of spatial pattern of the present rural residential land for different administrative districts in Changchun-Jilin consolidated metropolitan area were quantitatively analyzed using GIS method combined with landscape ecology method. The spatial relationships between the layouts of rural residential land and slope, river, road, and railway were also discussed in the same way. As a multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method was used to evaluate the locational suitability of rural residential patches, we divided rural settlements into different types of renovation, which could provide a theoretical support and reference for the comprehensive management of territory. The results indicate that:(1) the land distribution of rural settlements is uneven, and both the quantity and density have big deviations in different administrative regions.(2) The terrain conditions(slope), water conditions(river), traffic conditions(roads and railways) all have effects on the spatial layouts of the rural residential land in the study area, but the effects are different. Different grades of road(trunk road and branch) and different forms of railway(rail lines and stations) have different effects on the spatial pattern of rural settlements.(3) On this basis, according to the role of influence factors that have effects on rural settlements, we divided the spatial locations of rural residential patches into different suitability grades. Therefore, the rural residential patches were further divided into corresponding types, including the priority development areas, the retaining development areas and the limited development areas. Then, we pointed out and discussed the improvement directions for each rural residential type.
出处 《地球信息科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期945-953,共9页 Journal of Geo-information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41201158) 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20120628)
关键词 农村居民点 空间格局 景观指数 GIS rural residential land spatial distribution landscape index GIS
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