
大学生专业决策自我效能问卷修订 被引量:1

The Revision and Application Study on Major Decision-making Self Efficacy
摘要 目的:探讨大学生专业决策自我效能的结构,形成"大学生专业决策自我效能问卷"。方法:经文献分析、开放式问卷调查,对彭永新和龙立荣(2001)编制的"大学生职业决策自我效能量表"进行了修订,形成了"大学生专业决策自我效能问卷"。结果:问卷由22个项目组成,包括5个维度。验证性因素分析(x^2/df=2.946,NFI=0.978,IFI=0.985,CFI=0.985,RMSEA=0.08)和信度分析(各因素口系数均大于0.8)结果显示,问卷具有较好的效度和信度。 Objective: To explore the structure of undergraduate's Major Decision making Self Efficacy and to develop Major De- cision-making Self Efficacy Scale. Methods: Based on literature analysis, theory construction, open questionnaire, this paper preliminarily revised the questionnaire of Career Decision-making Self-efficacy for University Students developed by PENG Yong- xin and Long Lirong. All the data was analyzed through the following methods, such as exploring factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis and Validity analysis. Result: The results of the exploring factor analysis shows that the re- vised Scale of the Major Decision-making Self Efficacy has 22 items, including five main factors: Self-evaluation Professional In- formation, Target Selection, Future planning and Problem Solving. The results from the confirmatory factor analysis (X^2/df= 2. 946, NFI=0. 978, IFI=0. 985, CFI=0. 985, RMSEA=0. 08) and the reliability analysis (a〉0.8) showed that the Major Decision-making Self-efficacy Scale has good reliability and validity. Conclusion: The Major Decision-making Self-efficacy Scale meets the standards of psychometrics.
出处 《心理技术与应用》 2015年第8期27-30,共4页 Psychology(Techniques and Applications)
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.J1210038)
关键词 专业决策 自我效能 大学生 Major Decision making sel-efficacy college students
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