
东道国政治风险对我国在亚洲国家对外直接投资的影响——基于区位选择分析视角 被引量:4

The Effects of Political Risk on China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment in Asia:An Analysis Perspective based on the Location Choice
摘要 根据2004-2013亚洲国家面板数据,本文按照2013年我国对外直接投资流量的排名,将17个具有代表性的国家分为A、B、总体三组,从政治风险层面分析影响我国企业在亚洲国家直接投资区位选择的主要因素。研究结果表明:东道国的社会经济状况、投资回报、宗教冲突对我国企业的直接投资产生了显著正向影响,我国企业的直接投资表现出对所在国政府的稳定性、内部冲突高低和官僚机构质量有不同的投资偏好。 Based on the panel data of Asian countries from 2004 to 2013, according to the ranking of China's foreign di- rect investment flows in 2013, the 17 representative countries are divided into three groups: A, B, and the overall to an- alyze the main factors that affect the location choice of China's enterprises FDI in Asian countries from the perspective of political risk. The results show that host countries'political risks on socioeconomic conditions, investment profile and re- ligion in politics have significant positive impacts on China's foreign direct investment, showing investment preferences on countries with low government instability, high internal conflicts and low quality of the national bureaucracy.
机构地区 河海大学商学院
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期102-107,共6页 Commercial Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"技术负位势视角下我国企业技术寻求型FDI的逆向技术转移机制研究" 项目编号:13BJY084
关键词 对外直接投资 政治风险 区位选择 foreign direct investment political risk location choice
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