
土耳其正义与发展党的保守民主理念与政治改革探析 被引量:4

Researches on the Conservative Democracy Idea and Political Reforms of AKP in Turkey
摘要 作为土耳其正义与发展党的主要政治指导理念,保守民主理念涉及国家观、政府观、政治观、民主观、世俗主义观、宗教观、社会观、经济观等多个方面。在该理念指导下,正义与发展党实施了一系列政治改革,主要涉及1982年宪法、普通法、司法制度、行政机构、文军关系等。就改革成效而言,在土耳其民主得到巩固的同时,困扰该国民主发展的长期问题并未得到彻底解决,正义与发展党政府的一些做法也受到颇多非议。此外,从文明交往自觉角度观察,正义与发展党的保守民主理念和政治改革遵循着文明交往自觉的基本规律,但"土耳其模式"在中东其他国家不可复制。 As the AKP's guiding political idea, the key perceptions of "Conservative Democracy" include the views of the state, government, politics, democracy, secularism, religion, society and economy. Under this idea, AKP government of Turkey has carried out a number of political reforms, referring to 1982 constitution, common law, judicial branches, the administrations and the civil - military relations. As to its effect, while consolidating Turkey' s democracy, the problems faced by this country haven't been revolved completely. From the perspective of the Exchange of Civilizations Theory, AKP' s political idea and its reforms accord with the laws of the exchange of civilizations. However, the Turkish Model can' t be duplicated in other Middle Eastern countries.
作者 朱传忠
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期57-78,共22页 West Asia and Africa
基金 中国社会科学院金泽教授主持的国家社会科学基金重大委托项目"周边国家宗教发展趋势及其对我国社会稳定和文化安全的影响"(14@ZH028) 国家社科基金青年项目"土耳其正义与发展党执政理念与实践研究"(13CSS020) 河南省教育厅2015年人文社会科学项目"中东国家的伊斯兰政党"(2015-QN-521) 河南科技大学2015年青年项目"伊斯兰政党与中东国家政治"的前期成果
关键词 政治治理 土耳其 正义与发展党 保守民主 政治改革 Political Governance Turkey AKP Conservative Democracy Political Reform
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  • 1William Hale, "Christian Democracy and the JDP: Parallels and Contrasts", in M. Hakan Yavuz ed. , The Emergence of a New Turkey, Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2006, p. 66.
  • 2Quoted from Yalcm Akdoglan, AK Parti ve Muhafazakar Demokrasi ( AK Party and Conservative Democracy) , Istanbul: Alfa Yaymlan, 2004.
  • 3Yalcm Akdoglan, "The Meaning of Conservative Democracy Political Identity", in M. Hakan Yavuz, ed. , op. tit. , pp. 49 - 63.
  • 4Sultan Tepe, "A Pro -Islamic Party? Promises and Limits of Turkey's Justice and Development Party", in M. Hakan Yavuz ed. , op. cit., p. 121.
  • 5正义与发展党党纲之公共行政部分,seehttp://www.akparti.org.tr/english/akparti/parti-programme,2015-05-05.
  • 6M. Hakan Yavuz ed. , op. cit. , p. 239.
  • 7M. Hakan Yavuz, Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009, p. 82.
  • 8M. Hakan Yavuz, op. cit. , p. 83.
  • 9William Hale and Ergun 0zbudun, Islamism, Democracy, and Liberalism in Turkey: the case of the AKP, London: Routledge, 2010, p. 25.
  • 10M. Hakan Yavuz, op. cit. , p. 134.


  • 1M.Hakan Yavuz,Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey,Cambridge University Press,2009,p.254.
  • 2Turkish Statistical Indicators,1923-2004,Turkish Statistical Institute,p.143.
  • 3M.Hakan Yavuz,Islamic Political Identity in Turkey,Oxford University Press,2003,pp.182 -184.
  • 4Angel Rabasa,F.Stephen Larrabee,The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey,The RAND Corporation,2008,pp.39-40.
  • 5Angel Rabasa,F.Stephen Larrabee,The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey,The RAND Corporation,2008,pp.38-39.
  • 6Unfit Cizre,Secular and Islamic Politics in Turkey:The Making of the Justice and Development Party,Routledge,2008,pp.213-114,pp.218-219.
  • 7The Economiat,August 2,2007.
  • 8M.Hakan Yavuz,Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey,Cambridge University Press,2009,p.2.
  • 9Unfit Cizre,Secular and Islamic Politics in Turkey:The Making of the Justice and Development Party,Routledge,2008,pp.205.
  • 10M.Hakan Yavuz,Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey,Cambridge University Press,2009,p.8.












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