
卢旺达民族和解探究与思考 被引量:8

Learning National Reconciliation in Rwanda
摘要 卢旺达族群问题是非洲民族问题的一个缩影。该国胡图人和图西人本为同根同源、同文同种,殖民统治制造了族群之间裂痕,乃至在独立后国内族群冲突一度愈演愈烈。卢旺达现政府正视国内族群问题,采用社会共生共存的价值观,倡导民族团结与融合,改善社会基础设施与条件,努力建立多民族社会基础之上突出国家认同的统一国族。从未来发展看,卢旺达政府和民众需要摆脱历史包袱,着力于建设适合本国国情的族群与社会治理制度,以期在多元社会建立持久和平、巩固社会稳定与包容治理。 Ethnic issue in Rwanda is an epitome of ethnicities in Africa. Hutu and Tutsi are linguistically and culturally homogeneous. The colonial rule created divisions within society that eventually led to the explosion of internecine conflicts after the independence of the country. Facing the world, Rwandan government has championed national reconciliation and integration, and played a pivotal role in rebuilding community cohesion and harmony. The government works to improve the quality of social infrastructure and service delivery, striving for a Rwandan Nation with social diversity of the country. Sharing a vision for the future, the government and the people of Rwanda have to make a complete break with the past, fostering social institutions based on national traditions, so as to achieve lasting peace, stable and inclusive governance in this plural society.
作者 舒展
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期114-132,共19页 West Asia and Africa
关键词 族群问题 卢旺达 国族建设 胡图 图西 Ethnic Issue Rwanda Nation Building Hutu Tutsi
  • 相关文献


  • 1"RWANDA : No Consensus on Genocide Death Toll", AFP, April 6, 2004, http : //en. wikipedia.org/ wiki/Rwandan_ Genocide, 2010-01-14.
  • 2http: //allafrica. com./stories/200810040044.html, 2010 -01 - 14.
  • 3Jean- Pierre Chretien , The Great Lakes of Africa: Two Thousand Years of History, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2003, pp. 77 - 83.
  • 4Takeuchi Shinichi, "Hutu and Tutsi: A Note on Group Formation in Precolonial Rwanda", in Didier Goyvaerts ed. , Conflict and Ethnicity in Central Africa, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2000, pp. 177 - 208.
  • 5Jean Hiernaux, Les caracteres physiques des populations du Ruanda et de l' Urundi, Brussels : Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique, 1954.
  • 6Catherine Newbury, The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda 1860 - 1960, New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 1988.
  • 7Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims Become Killers:Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda, Princeton University Press, 2001, pp. 99 -101.
  • 8Claudine Vidal, La sociologie des passions: Rwanda, Cote d' Ivoire, Paris: Karthala, 1991, Quoted in Tharcisse Gatwa, The Churches and Ethnic Ideology in the Rwandan Crises 1900 - 1994, Regnum Books International, Oxford, UK, 2005, p. 8.
  • 9Lue de Heuseh, "Responsibility for Genocide", Anthropology Today, Vol. 11, No. 4 , August 1995, p. 4.
  • 10Jean - Pierre Chretien, op. cit. , pp. 44 - 45.


  • 1http: //monitor. co. ug/specialincludes/mplsups/rwandagen2/gen042814, php
  • 2http: //www. inkiko-gacaca. gov. rw/En/Generaties. htm.
  • 3乌干达《独立之声先驱》网站.http: //monitor. co.ug/specialincludes/mplsups/rwandagen2/gen042814. php
  • 4卢旺达官方网站,http: //www. gov. rw/
  • 5乌干达《独立之声先驱》网站,http: //monitor. co.ug/specialincludes/mplsups/rwandagen2/gen042814. php .
  • 6美国伯克利大学战争罪研究中心发表的报告《卢旺达的盖卡卡法庭》,Emily Harpster, "Report on The Gacaea Courts", http://ist-socratcs.berkeley.edu/warcrime/Rwanda/Rwanda-History-of-the-Conflict. htm
  • 7"RWANDA:Gacaca courts begin operations", http: //irinnews. org. March 10, 2005.
  • 8Edwin musoni,"Rwanda:Cacacs Wants to try category one uspects",http://www.newtimes.co.rw.November 6,2005.
  • 9非洲人权组织关于卢旺达盖卡卡法庭的长篇报告《盖卡卡法庭——共同承担责任》."Rwanda: Gacaca justice - a shared responsibility", African Rights,Bureau Rwanda, http: //www.reliefeweb.int/rw/dbc.naf/doc104
  • 10乌干达《独立之声先驱》网站.http: //monitor. co. ug/specialincludes/mplsups/rwandagen2/gen042814. php










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