
浅谈BIM软件系统与云计算 被引量:1

Discussion on BIM Software System and Cloud Computing
摘要 本文通过对BIM系统和云计算的一些基本特征和发展现状的分析,简单阐述了笔者对于云计算时代BIM软件系统应用模式的一些看法。云计算的特征符合BIM软件系统的发展需要,云计算时代的BIM软件系统应该更好的实现数据乃至功能的整合和互通。这将为用户和行业带来利益,也更符合绿色低碳的发展趋势。 This article introduces characteristics and development of BIM system and cloud computing and demon- strates some views about the application mode of the BIM system in the cloud computing background. The features of the cloud computing can meet the requirements of the development of the BIM system, and the BIM ware (the BIM software sys- tem) based on cloud computing technology will better integrate data and functions. The new computation mode and the BIM system will benefit the users and the whole CAD market and meet the low carbon trend.
作者 方琦
出处 《土木建筑工程信息技术》 2015年第1期49-52,共4页 Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture
基金 "十二五"国家863课题"基于建筑信息模型的三维建筑工程设计软件开发与应用"(SS2013AA041306)
关键词 BIM 软件 云计算 系统整合 BIM Software Cloud Computing Integration of System
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