
基于社交网络的信息传播机制研究 被引量:7

Study of Information Broadcasting Mechanism Based on Social Network
摘要 为研究信息在社交网络中的传播特征,以新浪微博用户数据搭建一个用户关注网络,分析该网络的无尺度特性与小世界特性,描述网络节点的不同分布情况,发现该网络中用户粉丝数量呈幂律分布,且该网络中用户呈现群落分布。经实验分析,推导出描述信息在关注网络中传播过程的动力学方程组,改进传染病动力学中的SIR模型,模拟关注网络中各类节点在信息传播过程中密度的变化,分析不同紧密度的群落可能对信息传播速度与范围造成的影响。 Propagation characteristics of information research in social network, Sina Weibo user data tobuild a network of user attention and analysis of the network without scaling properties and small worldproperties, describe network nodes of different distributions, found that the number of the network users' fans' is the power-law distribution and users in the network present community distribution. Theexperimental analysis, the derived description information in the attention of the network communicationprocess dynamics equations, improved SIR model of infectious disease dynamics, focus all kinds of nodesin the process of information transmission density change simulation, analysis of influence of differentclose degree of community may of information propagation velocity and range caused by.
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期30-34,共5页 Information Science
关键词 社交网络 微博 信息传播 传染病动力学 紧密度 social network microblog information broadcasting epidemic dynamics compactness
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