
银粉含量及几何特征对银浆流变性能的影响 被引量:8

Influence of Ag content and geometrical characteristic on rheological properties of silver paste
摘要 通过流变仪系统地研究了银粉体积分数、粒径、片银含量对浆料剪切黏度和回复性能的影响,应用Cross模型对剪切黏度曲线拟合得到浆料的零剪切黏度。结果表明:银粉体积分数为13%时,银粉粒径及形貌对浆料的零剪切黏度和回复性能影响较小;银粉体积分数分别增大到20%,46%时,浆料的零剪切黏度上升,回复性能下降,且零剪切黏度随着银粉粒径的减小而明显增大。 Effects of volume fraction, particle size of spherical silver powders and the flake silver powders content on shear viscosity and recovery property of paste were studied by rheometer. Furthermore, the viscosity at zero shear rate of paste was obtained by Cross model fitting. The results show that the particle size of spherical silver powders and the content of flake silver powders have little influence on the zero shear viscosity as the solid volume fraction is 13%. Increasing the solid volume fraction to 20% and 46%, it results in an obvious influence on the zero shear viscosity. The smaller the particle size of the silver powder, the higher the shear viscosity of the paste.
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 2015年第8期65-68,共4页 Electronic Components And Materials
基金 国家"863"项目资助(No.2012BAE06B06)
关键词 银浆 银粉体积分数 粒径 零剪切黏度 回复性能 CROSS 模型 silver paste silver powders volume fraction particle size zero shear viscosity recovery property Cross model
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