
数字胃肠机在食管癌门诊机会性筛查中的应用 被引量:4

Application of digital gastrointestinal machine in outpatient opportunistic screening of esophageal carcinoma
摘要 目的探讨数字胃肠机在食管癌门诊机会性筛查中的应用价值。方法在甘肃省武威肿瘤医院2011-01-01—2013—10-31门诊就诊的人群中进行食管癌筛查,所有接受筛查者在检查前签署知情同意书,按筛查流程进行癌症防治知识和食管癌危险因素流行病学调查,详细询问病史及一般体格检查。采用大平板数字胃肠机(德国西门子A×10Mlumi—nosdRF)气钡双重造影,发现食管有病变者均相对应地行内镜检查,最终确诊均以病理组织学为依据。结果共用数字胃肠机检查2599人,其中男1747人,女852人;40~69岁2058人,占受检人数的79.18%。检出食管癌165例,检出率为6.35%。早期食管癌4例(2.42%),中晚期食管癌161例(97.58%)。其中男129例,检出率为7.38%;女36例,检出率为4.23%。男女性检出率差异有统计学意义,X2=9.61,P〈0.01。食管癌数字胃肠造影检查与病理诊断比较,灵敏度为98.19%,特异度为99.68%。年龄组检出率有随年龄的增长而升高的趋势,55~80岁组占总检出人数的93.94%。结论数字胃肠造影机会性筛查较之自然人群筛查,食管癌检出率高,是食管癌筛查的有效手段,作为食管癌的初筛方法具有可行性。≥55岁的人群应为食管癌防治的重点。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate the application value of digital gastrointestinal machine in Outpatient oppor- tunistic screening of esophageal carcinoma. METHODS Screening for esophageal, cancer in the outpatients who voluntari- ly joined this study with informed consents. According to the screening process, the author made epidemiology investiga- tion for cancer prevention and treatment knowledge and esophageal cancer risk factors, then inquired thorough history and examined carefully. With German original SIEMENS (Siemens) AXIOM luminos DRF, a number of patients were sus- pected in esophagus and these patients would be followed with endoscope examination, final diagnosis were based on path- ological histology. RESULTS In 2 599 patients of digital gastrointestinal machine examination, the male was 1 747,the female was 852. Patients aged 40 to 69 were 2 058, accounting for 79.18%. Totally 165 cases were diagnosed, among which 129 were male and 36 were female. Esophageal cancer detection rate was 6.35%, and the male was 7.38%0 ,the fe- male was 4. 23%. Early esophageal cancer patients were 4 eases, accounting for 2.42%. Advanced esophageal cancer pa- tients were 161 cases, accounting for 97.58 %. Detection rate 2(2 analysis for different sex: X2 = 9.61 ( P 〈 0.01 ), the difference was statistically significant. To compare with pathological diagnosis, the sensitivity of digital gastrointestinal examination was 98.19%, the specificity was 99.68%. Age group detection rate had increasing tendency followed age's growing. The proportion of patients aged 55 to 80 was 93.94%. CONCLUSIONS Detection rate of digital gastrointesti- nal machine screening in esophageal carcinoma is above the natural population screening. It is an effective method for e- sophageal cancer screening, and it may be acted as a primary screening method. The patients aged over 55 should be the focus of esophageal carcinoma prevention and treatment.
出处 《中华肿瘤防治杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第13期1055-1058,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
关键词 食管肿瘤 机会性筛查 数字胃肠机 放射摄影术 武威 esophagea neoplasms outpatient opportunistic screening digital gastrointestinal technology radiography Wuwei
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