6Fredric I. Lederer, The Road To the Virtual Courtroom? -A Consideration of Today's and Tomorrow's High Technology Courtrooms, http://www.courtroom 21.net/about_us/articles/virtualcourtsinglespace.htm.
7Danid Stephiak and Paul Mason, 'Court in the Web': the impact of the Internet on the Cameras in court debate, Alternative Law Journal Vol. 28 No. 2, April 2000.
8Harrell V. State, 709 So. 2d 1364(Fla. 1998).
9Fredric I. Lederer, The Road To the Virtual Courtroom-A Consideration, of Today's and Tomorrow's High Technology Courtrooms, http://www.courtroom 21.net/about_us/articles/virtualcourtsingles pace.htm.
10Bermant Gordom, Courting the Virtual: Federal Courts in an Ageof Complete Interconnectedness, Ohio Northem University Law Review 1999, pp528 - 530.