

Deposit Insurance Reserve System in Modern China:Development Process and Function Positioning
摘要 存款保证准备金制度是近代中国银行制度的重要内容。现有研究只认为其是一种存款准备金制度,而未从存款保证制度的角度加以解读。文章从理论传播和制度实践两个层面梳理了近代中国存款保证准备制度的发展历程,并阐释了其制度特征与成因。结果表明:(1)近代中国的存款保证准备制度受到美国存款保险制度的影响,可从直接影响和间接影响两个方面来分析。美国存款保险制度在近代中国的传播经历了一个从否定到逐步肯定再到学习借鉴的过程。(2)随着中央银行制度的逐步完善,近代中国存款保证准备金制度的存款保险功能经历了"局部尝试—全面拓展—逐步独立"的过程。(3)虽然近代中国存款保证准备金制度的存款保险功能是在学习和借鉴美国存款保险制度的基础上形成的,但与美国不同的是,近代中国的存款保证准备金制度只体现出强制性特征,主要原因是:存款保证准备金制度对近代中国金融监管制度体系具有"路径依赖"。文章为当下中国存款保险制度的渐进式构建提供了历史经验和启示。 Deposit insurance reserve system was the critical content of banking system in modern China. Previous studies only focus on the deposit reserve system, but ignore the explanation from the perspective of deposit insurance system. This paper sorts out the de- velopment process of deposit insurance reserve system in modern China from the perspec- tives of theoretical dissemination and institutional practice, and further states its institu- tional characteristics and antecedents. It comes to the conclusions as follows: firstly, de- posit insurance reserve system in modern China was deeply affected by US deposit insur- ance system, which could be divided into direct and indirect effects; the dissemination of US deposit insurance system in modern China experiences a process from negation, to gradual affirmation, and then to learning and reference; secondly, the deposit insurance function of deposit insurance reserve system in modern China experienced process of a localtry, overall extension and gradual independentce with constant perfection of the central bank system ; thirdly, the deposit insurance function of deposit insurance reserve system in modern China was formed based on the reference from US deposit insurance system; but different from US deposit insurance system, deposit insurance reserve system in modern China had only mandatory feature, mainly owing to the route dependence of deposit insur ance reserve system on financial supervision system in modern China. It provides historical experience and enlightenment for gradual construction of deposit insurance system in cur rent China.
作者 程霖 何业嘉
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期118-130,共13页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 上海财经大学创新团队支持计划"中国转型的历史与思想研究"的资助
关键词 近代中国 存款保证准备金制度 存款保证 强制性存款保险 modern China deposit insurance reserve system deposit insurance mandatory deposit insurance
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