
北京东灵山木腐菌主要种类的区系组成及分布特征 被引量:7

Floral composition and distribution characteristics of wood-decaying fungi in Dongling Mountain,Beijing
摘要 于2013年9月中旬和2014年9月下旬,对北京东灵山自然保护区的木材腐朽真菌进行调查和分析。结果表明:在15种树属上共采集1007份标本,经鉴定为128种,隶属于11目24科;其中优势科为多孔菌科、锈革孔菌科和皱皮菌科,分别占该地总种数的27.34%、17.96%和12.5%;优势种为14种,个体数量占全部数量的48.76%,而且绝大部分为白腐菌;通过绘制稀疏曲线,发现在倒木腐烂阶段的中后期,寄主直径为0~5 cm和〉10 cm,寄主树种为栎属和杨属,基质树皮存在状态下木腐菌数量和物种多样性较高;生长个体数量少的基质含有较多的木腐菌物种;发挥主要降解作用的功能类群中,后续降解者的数量最多,先锋物种和终极分解者数量较少;该地褐腐菌比例较低与缺少针叶树种有关;为了提高该地木腐菌的多样性,可以从保护基质多元化着手。 Fungi growing on the woods were investigated in the Dongling Mountain Nature Re- serve to understand the community composition and substrate preference of wood-decaying fungi. A total of 1007 wood-decaying fungi individuals, representing 128 species, belonging to 24 fami- lies, 11 orders were recorded on 15 tree genera. Among them, Polyporaceae, Hymenochaetaceae and Meruliaceae were dominant families, which comprised 27.34%, 17.96% and 12.5% of total species number, respectively. There were 14 dominant species, which made up 48.76% of all oc- currences. And most of these dominant species were white-rot fungi. Rarefaction curves on differ- ent substrates indicated that at decay stages of 2 and 3, most individuals and species were found on host species of Quercus and Populus, especially on substrates with diameters between 0-5 cm and larger than 10 cm, as well as substrates having barks. Besides, substrates having lower num- bers of individuals might have higher wood-decaying fungi diversity. Wood-decaying fungi distrib- uted differently on different substrates. Families at different decay stages revealed that succession species were most abundant in number and diversity, while pioneer and ultimate species were less abundant in this area. The low percentage of brown-rot fungi was correlated with the presence of few coniferous trees. It is suggested that substrate protection can promote wood-decaying fungi diversity.
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期2167-2172,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31370514)资助
关键词 木腐菌 区系 基质特性 保护 wood-decaying fungi flora substrate quality protection.
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