
塞来昔布抑制人结肠癌细胞COLO205增殖及对COX-2、MMP-9mRNA表达影响的体外实验研究 被引量:8

Modulating effect of celecoxib to proliferation and the molecular mechanism in COLO205 of colon carcinoma cell line
摘要 目的研究塞来昔布在体外对人结肠癌细胞COLO205生长增殖及对环氧化酶2(COX-2)、金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)mRNA表达的影响。方法体外培养人结肠癌细胞COLO205,分组为正常对照组和塞来昔布干预组,MTT法检测正常对照组和塞来昔布组抑制率,塞来昔布在不同时间且相同浓度的条件下,不同时间对于结肠癌细胞增殖的影响,测得抑制率并算得半抑制浓度(IC50)值;RT-PCR检测COX-2、MMP-9的mRNA的表达影响。结果 MTT结果显示:相同浓度的塞来昔布干预结肠癌COLO205细胞,分别在24 h,48 h,72 h测算IC50结果为:96.620±9.044μmol/L、71.561±5.706μmol/L、58.982±11.069μmol/L,塞来昔布浓度提高和干预时间延长,结肠癌COLO205细胞活力下降。RT-PCR结果显示:正常对照组与塞来昔布干预组COX-2 mRNA灰度值分别为:0.832±0.012,0.113±0.001,干预组塞来昔布干预细胞的COX-2mRNA表达降低,所应显示的条带消失,无表达率,两组比较差异有显著性(t=18.051,P=0.000);正常对照组与塞来昔布干预组MMP-9 mRNA灰度值分别为:0.756±0.050,0.171±0.001,干预组MMP-9 mRNA表达明显降低,条带消失,无mRNA表达,两组比较差异有显著性(t=17.286,P=0.001)。结论体外实验表明:塞来昔布抑制结肠癌COLO205细胞增殖,通过抑制COX-2及MMP-9的mRNA的表达来实现抗肿瘤作用。 Objective To study celecoxib in vitro human colon cancer cell growth and proliferation of COLO205 and its anti- tumor molecular mechanisms. Methods Cultured human colon cancer COLO205,MTT method analyses celecoxib at the same concentration,at different times for the colon cancer cell were used to calculate IC50 value. RT- PCR method was used to evaluate the expression of COX- 2,MMP- 9 mRNA. Results MTT assay showed: the concentration of the same intervention celecoxib to inhibit the proliferation of human colon cancer cells,its 24 h,48 h,72 h IC50 of respectively: 96. 620 ± 9. 044 μmol / L,71. 561 ± 5. 706 μmol / L,58. 982 ± 11. 069 μmol / L. The RT- PCR results show: human colon cancer cells COLO205 in normal control group and celecoxib in the intervention group,respectively. The COX- 2mRNA gray value were: 0. 832 ±0. 012,0. 113 ± 0. 001( t = 18. 051,P = 0. 000). MMP- 9 mRNA gray values were: 0. 801 ± 0. 022,0. 102 ± 0. 001( t = 19. 037,P = 0. 000);MMP- 9 mRNA were 0. 756 ± 0. 050,0. 171 ± 0. 001( t = 17. 286,P = 0. 001). Conclusion Celecoxib inhibition of gastric cancer cell proliferation,celecoxib antitumor mechanisms may by inhibiting the expression of COX- 2 and MMP- 9 mRNA in implementation.
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2015年第16期1364-1367,共4页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 结肠癌 COLO205细胞 增殖 塞来昔布 COX-2 MMP-9 Human colon carcinoma COLO205 Proliferation Celecoxib COX-2 MMP-9
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