
矿产开发设备运行状态远程监测系统设计与实现 被引量:1

Wireless real- time monitoring system for table grape cold chain logistics
摘要 针对青海矿产设备运行状态监测困难、故障诊断不及时等问题,使用Zig Bee CC2530开发板、霍尔电流传感器及温湿度传感器等构成无线传感器监测节点,组成无线传感器网络短程通信,并通过WSN/GPRS网关节点实现远程通信,用户最终可通过Web系统对矿产设备的运行状态进行监测和管理。测试结果表明,系统采集数据准确,数据传输可靠稳定,人机互动界面简洁,能够满足远程设备运行状态监测的需求。 To solve the problems of mineral development equipment, such as condition monitoring, fault diagnosis not timely etc,this paper uses wireless sensor monitoring nodes composed of Zig Bee CC2530 development board, Hall current sensor, temperature and humidity sensors, which constitutes hort- range communication of wireless sensor network, to achieve remote communication via WSN / GPRS gateway nodes. The users can monitor and manage the running status of mining equipment through the Web system eventually. The result of test indicates that this system can meet the demand of monitoring the running state of the equipment re-mote due to its accurate data collection, reliable data transmission, simple human- computer interaction interface.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2015年第8期50-52,56,共4页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAH10F01 2012BAH10F02) 青海省高新技术研究发展及产业化促进计划(2015-GX-Q10)
关键词 设备监测 无线传感器网络 ZIGBEE 远程实时监测 equipment monitor wireless sensor network ZigBee remote real-time monitor
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