

Modeling and statistical characterization analysis of indoor wideband wireless propagation channels
摘要 提出了一种基于几何散射模型的综合改进室内参考信道模型,这种模型是由无限数量的散射体均匀分布在三维空间的一个二维水平面上组成的。推导了电磁信号到达角概率分布函数、功率延迟分布、频率相关函数的解析表达式。此外,还通过参考模型提出了一种高效的SOC信道仿真模型。结果表明,SOC信道仿真模型与频率相关函数相关,近似于参考模型,可以很好地应用于评估室内宽带无线通信系统的性能。 This paper presents an improved indoor reference channel model which based on geometric scattering model, the model consists of an infinite number of scatters uniformly distributed over the Two- dimensional( 2D) horizontal plane of a three- dimension-al(3D) space. This paper derives analytical expressions for the probability density function(PDF) of the angle of arrival(AOA), the power delay profile( PDP), frequency correlation function( FCF). In addition, this paper also proposes an efficient SOC( Sum of Cisoids)channel simulation model through non- realistic reference model. This paper shows that, the SOC channel simulator approximates the reference model with respect to the FCF. The SOC channel simulator can be employed to evaluate the performance of wideband indoor wireless communication systems.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2015年第8期86-89,93,共5页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 国家自然科学基金(61471153) 江苏省科技支撑计划(工业)项目(BE2011195) 江苏省高校自然科学科学研究重大计划项目(14KJA510001) 中国博士后基金(010986678)
关键词 宽带信道模型 室内信道模型 几何矩形散射模型 参考信道模型 wideband channel model indoor channel model geometrical rectangle scattering model reference channel model
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