
2015年韩国中东呼吸综合征疫情流行病学特征分析 被引量:3

Epidemiological characteristics of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome outbreak in the Republic of Korea, 2015
摘要 目的分析2015年韩国中东呼吸综合征(MERS)疫情的流行特征,利于中国医疗卫生业务人员了解相关信息。方法收集韩国政府、WHO等官方网站及韩国权威媒体信息,进行疫情流行特征相关分析。结果2015年5月20日至7月13日韩国共报告186例MERS确诊病例,其中死亡36例。除2例可能为家庭内感染外,其余病例均在医疗机构相关场所感染。首发病例1例,二代病例29例、三代病例125例、四代病例25例,6例代数不详。5个道(市)11个区域的16家医院报告了病例,病例中包括39名医院工作人员。病例年龄M=55岁,男性占60%。死亡病例年龄M=70岁,男性占67%;78%的死亡病例有慢性基础性疾病。除首发病例外,有12例发生了续发病例,其中1例传播了84例。中国5月29日确诊1例韩国输入病例,未发生二代病例。从韩国病例和中国输入性病例中获得的病毒与从中东地区获得的病毒相比无明显变化。结论2015年韩国MERS疫情特点和传播模式与以往中东地区暴发疫情类似。 Objeetlve To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak in the Republic of Korea in 2015 and provide related information for the public health professionals in China. Methods The incidence data of MERS were collected from the websites of the Korean government, WHO and authoritative media in Korea for this epidemiological analysis. Results Between May 20 and July 13, 2015, a total of 186 confirmed MERS cases (1 index case, 29 secondary cases, 125 third generation cases, 25 fourth generation cases and 6 cases without clear generation data) , including 36 deaths (case fatality rate: 19% ) , were reported in Korea. All cases were associated with nosocomial transmission except the index case and two possible family infections. Sixteen hospitals in 11 districts in 5 provinces/municipalities in Korea reported confirmed MERS cases, involving 39 medical professionals or staff. For the confirmed cases and death cases, the median ages were 55 years and 70 years respectively, and the cases and deaths in males accounted for 60% and 67% respectively. Up to 78% of the deaths were with underlying medical conditions. Besides the index case, other 12 patients were reported to cause secondary cases, in which 1 caused 84 infections. One imported MERS case from Korea was confirmed in China onMay 29, no secondary cases occurred. The viruses strains isolated from the cases in Korea and the imported case in China show no significant variation compared with the strains isolated in the Middle East. Conclusion The epidemiological pattern of the MERS outbreak in Korea was similar to MERS outbreaks occurred in the Middle East.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期836-841,共6页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
关键词 中东呼吸综合征 中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒 流行病学特征 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Middle East Respiratory Syndromecoronavirus Epidemiological characteristics
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