
企业生态系统社会责任互动:内涵、治理、内化与实现 被引量:21

Interaction of Corporation Ecological System Social Responsibility:Connotation,Governance,Internalization and Implementation
摘要 经济全球化与大数据背景下企业生态系统与企业社会责任有着紧密的理论契合,"单边""单向度"的社会责任模式需要向互动的、协同的、共生的社会责任模式变迁。本文对基于互动观的企业生态系统社会责任与企业个体组织的单边社会责任进行比较分析,在此基础上阐释企业生态系统社会责任互动的内涵,构建基于正式制度契约和非正式制度约束的企业生态系统社会责任互动治理机制,指出企业生态系统社会责任互动认知的内化路径包括社会责任互动的交往实践、角色融入、知识扩散、类别化整合与情感融通,提出主要生态位成员和扩展生态位成员的社会责任互动定位与实现策略。本文的研究拓展了企业社会责任理论的研究领域和层面,有助于企业经营管理者摆脱战略近视,推动企业在更大的、有机整体的视域中正确、全面地认识和把握社会责任,从而使企业走上良性循环的可持续发展道路。 Under the background of economic globalization and big data, corporation ecological system has closely theory fit with corporation social responsibility. The two have similar theoretical foothold: in the process of operation and management, corporation and its surrounding environment and stakeholders need to achieve shared ac- countability, harmonious coexistence, and synergy evolution. The "unilateral" and "one dimensional" social respon- sibility paradigm should change to the social responsibility paradigm of interaction, coordination, and commensal- ism. Based on the concept of interaction, This paper compares and analyses the responsibility of corporation ecologi- cal system and the responsibility of unilateral individual corporation organizations. The analysis of the dimension in- elude the background, suitable environment, the logical starting point, the methodology, the responsibility main body, the relationship between members, constraint mechanism, the core idea, etc. Based on this analysis, this paper explains the connotation of the social responsibility interaction of corporation ecological system. Based on the rules of structure association, this paper build governance mechanism of corporation ecological system social responsibility interaction. The rules of structure association refers that each corporation symbiosis of the corporation ecological system surround a common social responsibility vision and goals, construct governance mecha- nism of corporation social responsibility interaction among the members of the ecosystem through a series of formal contract system of corporate social responsibility and informal institutional constraints of corporate social responsibil- ity. Formal contract system of corporation ecological system social responsibility interaction include the rewards-pun- ishment mechanism, enter-exit mechanism, information mechanism. Informal institutional constraints of corporation ecological system social responsibility interaction include ethical mechanism and cultural values mechanism. Only through the cognitive internalization of corporation ecosystem social responsibility interaction as the sys- tem members' values, beliefs and common code of conduct, members of the system can take social responsibility and realize social responsibility interaction between each other automatically and sustainability. In particular, it has the following five kinds of internalization path, communication practice of social responsibility interaction, interactive role in social responsibility, knowledge diffusion of social responsibility interaction, category integration of social re- sponsibility interaction, emotion circulation of social responsibility interaction. Main ecological niche members include three categories: the core backbone corporation ,the dominant corpora- tion and the aperture corporation. The extended niche ecological members include consumers, media, trade associa- tions, competitors, government departments and other regulatory quasi-government organizations, etc. This paper ex- pounds each system niche members' position and strategy in the corporation ecosystem social responsibility interac- tion. For example, core backbone corporation' position and strategy in the corporation ecosystem social responsibility interaction include the following aspects: play the decision-making function of social responsibility, play the organi- zation function of social responsibility, take a demonstration effect, improve the corporate governance structure, im- plementation of the internal and external auditing and system culture on a basis of responsibility interaction. regular disclosure, establish social responsibility culture and The research of this paper develop the research field and level of corporate social responsibility theory, it help managers keep from strategic myopia, guide corporations to consciously deal with social responsibility relations with other corporations and the environment by the ecology point of view, it enhance the ability to adapt to the environ- ment and transform the environment, and realize sustainable development of corooration.
作者 辛杰
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期189-199,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"大数据背景下基于企业生态系统的社会责任互动与多元价值共创研究"(15BGL070)
关键词 企业生态系统 社会责任 互动 治理机制 内化路径 corporation ecosystem social responsibility interaction governance mechanism internalization path
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