
心-身问题与物理主义 被引量:6

Mind-body Problem and Physicalism
摘要 笛卡尔的心-身区别论证开启了近代以来有关心-身问题的争论,而物理主义则是当前学界在处理心-身问题时的常见立场。本文打算为其中一个具体的物理主义观点——戴维森版殊型同一论作辩护。我将论证,经过适当改进之后的殊型同一论,不仅能有效避免其他物理主义观点目前所面临的种种困扰,而且有望为我们大多数人所持有的那种内在心灵不同于外在事物的心-身二元直觉,提供一个合理的解释。 Generally speaking, the mind-body problem derives from Descartes' s argument for the distinction between mind and body. Obviously, in contemporary debate on the mind-body problem, physicalism is the most commonly taken position. This paper argues for one kind of physicalism, viz., token-identity theory. The author shows that, in contrast with other physicalistic theories, token-identity theory is a more competitive view, since it can not only deal with these problems which have always tortured other physicalistic theories, but also reasonably explain our intuition of the distinction between mind and body.
作者 王晓阳
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期1-14,共14页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 2011年度国家社科基金青年项目"意识研究"(11CZX023) 2014年度上海市教委科研创新重点项目"解释鸿沟难题研究"(14ZS069) 2014年度国家社科基金重大项目"欧洲生命哲学的新发展研究"(14ZDB018)
关键词 心-身区别论证 心-身问题 物理主义 殊型同一论 心灵哲学 Argument for the distinction between mind and body Mind-body problem Physicalism Token identity theory Philosophy of mind
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