
麦克尤恩《爱无可忍》的异质性解读 被引量:2

Heterogeneity Interpretation on McEwan's Enduring Love
摘要 麦克尤恩的小说《爱无可忍》对理性矛盾反思的隐晦书写,是作家洞察人性深处、触探个体道德底线的手段。文中重复、反讽、文本循环等叙事特征表现出叙述者面临危机时存在理性与虚妄二重基调的不确定性,使作品呈现多元异质特征,这种异质性与麦克尤恩叙事意图的矛盾性不无关联:一方面,对宏大叙事所彰显的"科学知识""理性思辨"饱含希望,并赋予存在的意义;另一方面,小叙事中自我的异质性书写却又不断解构宏大叙事的必然存在,如何走出个体心灵无力面对理性存在而陷入虚妄的窘境,重构自我与社会的对话与融合成为后现代人文关怀的难题。 McEwan’s novel Enduring love shows the writer’s insight into human nature and penetrates depths of individual moral bottom line through obscure writing of the conflict between ration and false. With the employment of repetition, irony and the narrative circulation, the narrator indicates the tone of uncertainty over the crisis of ration and false, which colors the novel the feature of multiple heterogeneity. The heterogeneity is closely related to McEwan’s contradictory narrative intention. On the one hand, the grand narrative is highlighted with “scientific knowledge” and “rational thinking”; on the other hand, small narrative with the heterogeneous writing constantly deconstructs the legitimacy of grand narrative. It becomes the modern humanistic dilemma to think of the questions, as how to go beyond the individual powerless in the face of rational existence, and how to reconstruct the dialogue and harmony between individual and society.
作者 陈丽
出处 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期71-75,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目资助(11CYY003)
关键词 麦克尤恩 《爱无可忍》 理性 虚妄 异质性 McEwan Enduring Love ration false heterogeneity
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