
权力、差异、具身化 演变中的范式和关注点 被引量:3

Power,Difference,Embodiment Shifting Paradigms and Concerns
摘要 文章通过回顾过去几十年间的相关文献,追溯建筑是如何同权力与差异交织在一起的。探讨自20世纪70年代出现新马克思主义和批判理论开始,政治与社会的问题如何逐渐成为建筑历史与理论的中心。在文章的最后,身体问题也被纳入讨论的范畴。作者进而指出,当下的建筑理论已经成为正在出现的新的建筑学话语与实践形式和策略的一个要素,它尊重历史与文化的多样性,并认识到权力、差异与具身化之间复杂多重的相互关系。 This paper traces how architecture is intertwined with articulations of power and difference by reviewing the relevant literature of the last decades. Starting from the 1970s, when newly discovered paradigms of neo-marxism and critical theory informed scholars like Manfredo Tafuri and Alexander Tzonis, the paper investigates how political and social issues increasingly became central in architectural history and theory. The issue of power was analyzed in different contexts and from multiple perspectives, including those of space syntax postcolonial studies and theories of participation. Historians and theorists also started to explore how differences were produced through power and through architecture (differences between genders, between races, between classes,between ethnicities). This exploration led to a critical questioning of the very concept of architecture-no longer the undisputed terrain of the master architects who contributed to the canon, but a contested territory that many voices claim is relevant to their cause. In the last section of the paper, the authors discuss the literature that also brings the human body into the equation. This literature focuses on how physical spaces inscribe power constellations and differentiations onto human bodies, with consequences that directly affect everyday practices and experiences. Here the skills of architectural historians and theorists are relied upon to analyze and interpret everyday environments rather than architectural masterworks. Currently, the authors state, architectural theory is thus a factor in the emergence of new forms and strategies of architectural discourse and practice, which respect histories and cultural diversity, and which is cognizant of the myriad interrelations between power, difference and embodiment.
出处 《时代建筑》 2015年第3期120-127,共8页 Time + Architecture
关键词 建筑 权力 差异 具身化 批判理论 Architecture Power Difference Embodiment Critical Theories
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