
越南湄公河三角洲地区2030规划大纲与2050愿景:强调六大农业生态区 被引量:1

A Vietnamese Mekong Delta Regional Plan 2030 & Vision to 2050: Accentuating Six Agro-Ecological Regions
摘要 湄公河三角洲在过去的三个世纪通过越南和法国的垦殖,形成复杂的水管理系统并持续至今,形成一个相对年轻的文化景观。动态变化的三角洲、令人惊叹的生产性景观、散落而密集分布的聚落,都在经历急剧的经济发展,同时也见证了气候变化的影响。海平面上升,海水入侵,大规模的洪水及周期性的干旱、气温上升等,显露出对生产性景观、乡村聚落以及城市地区产生的不可避免的后果。目前湄公河三角洲地区规划(2009年批准),采用常规的、孤立的土地利用规划概念,从根本上漠视地区的自然条件和鲜明的聚落文化。该地区的修改规划(2030至2050规划愿景)由国际咨询公司(RUA:城市与建筑研究所)与SISP(胡志明市战略规划南方研究所)合作,以解决三角洲的当代挑战,并将其未来转型根植于其地理特殊性中。换言之,基于地区环境质量和经济活力。 The Mekong Delta is a relatively young cultural landscape formed and transformed over the last three centuries by its sophisticated water management—beginning with Viet and French colonization and continuing to the present day. The dynamic delta and its incredibly productive landscapes and dispersed, dense settlements are undergoing drastic economic development and simultaneously bearing witness to the impacts of climate change. Sea level rise, saline intrusion, massive inundation and as well periods of drought, rising temperatures, etc. are revealing unavoidable consequences on the productive landscapes, rural settlements and as wel as for urban areas. The present Mekong Delta Region Plan (approved in 2009) superimposed conventiona land sectorial land-use planning concepts, which are radically in opposition with the natural condition of the territory and its intense settlement culture. A revised plan for the region (to 2030, with a vision to 2050)is being co-developed by an international consultancy (RUA: Research Urbanism Architecture) with SISP (Southern Institute for Strategic Planning, Ho Chi Minh City) to address the contemporary challenges of the delta and embed its future transformation in its geographic specificity. Development is, in other words, anchored on the environmental qualities and dynamics of the region, which known for its economic dynamism.
出处 《南方建筑》 2015年第3期41-47,共7页 South Architecture
关键词 水域与农业生态区 湄公河三角洲 2030区域规划 Aqua & agro-ecological regions Mekong Delta Regional Plan 2030
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