
华北地区有机及常规草莓生产对环境影响的生命周期评价 被引量:2

Environmental Impact of Organic and Conventional Strawberry Production in North China Based on Life Cycle Assessment
摘要 有机农业与农产品质量安全和生态环境安全密切相关,其环境影响效应也越来越受到人们的广泛关注,系统全面评价有机农产品生产过程对环境的影响,对促进有机农业健康发展具有重要应用价值。本研究采用生命周期评价方法(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA),分析和比较了山东省淄博市博山区有机草莓和北京市昌平区常规草莓生产过程及其对环境的影响。研究结果表明,在各项环境影响指标中,常规草莓生产带来的全球变暖、环境酸化、富营养化和土壤毒性的潜在环境影响分别是全球人均基准值的3.45%、2.11%、27.09%和280.16%,而有机草莓生产带来的全球变暖、环境酸化、富营养化和土壤毒性的潜在环境影响分别是全球人均基准值的1.22%、0.44%、15.17%和202.76%,均低于常规草莓。常规草莓生产中生命周期环境影响较大的是富营养化、水体毒性和土壤毒性,造成常规草莓水体毒性危害严重的原因是种植阶段农药残留迁移至水体所致,而土壤毒性是由于化肥和有机肥所携带的重金属残留所致。有机草莓生产中生命周期环境影响较大的是富营养化和土壤毒性,主要是由于有机草莓农作阶段施肥过程中的磷流失和重金属残留所引起的。总体上看,有机草莓生命周期环境影响综合指数为0.22,而常规草莓为0.43,说明常规草莓对环境的负面影响明显高于有机草莓。因此,施用生物源农药与优质有机肥是控制草莓生命周期负面环境影响的关键措施。 Organic agricuIture is closely related to quality security of agricultural product and ecological environment security, more and more people begin to pay attention to the environmental effect of organic production and it is important to evaluate the environmental impact in the organic production process. The author used the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), analyzed and compared the production process and environmental effect of organic strawberry in Boshan District, Shandong Province and conventional strawberry in Changping District, Beijing. The research results showed that, among all potential impacts indexes, environment of global warming, acidification, eutrophication and soil toxicity in conventional strawberry production were 3.45%, 2.11%, 27.09% and 280.16% of the per capita basic value, and those indexes in organic strawberry production were 1.22%, 0.44%, 15.17% and 202.76%, which were lower than that of conventional strawberry production. The larger environmental impacts of conventional strawberry life cycle were eutrophication, water toxicity and soil toxicity, and the serious water toxicity was causect Dy me pesu^uv residues in water, and soil toxicity was due to heavy metal residues of chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer. However, the larger environmental impacts of organic strawberry life cycle were eutrophication and soil toxicity, which were caused by the loss of P fertilizer and heavy metal residues. Overall, the comprehensive index of the hfe cycle environmental impact of organic strawberry was 0.22, while that of conventional strawberry was 0.43. This result showed that the negative impact on environment caused by conventional strawberry production was significantly higher than that caused by organic strawberry production. Therefore, the application of biological pesticide and organic fertilizer was the key measure in controlling the negative environmental impacts in strawberry life circle.
出处 《中国农学通报》 2015年第23期102-108,共7页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"我国生态敏感区有机农产品生态补偿计量方法及联动补偿机制研究"(14YJAZH109) 北京市生态学重点学科项目(XK10019440)
关键词 有机草莓 常规草莓 环境影响 生命周期评价 有机农业 organic strawberry conventional strawberry environmental impact Life Cycle Assessment organic agriculture
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