
维谢格拉德集团的地位与中欧的未来 被引量:5

Position of Visegrad Group and the Future of Central Europe
摘要 维谢格拉德集团是欧洲重要的次区域组织,其在欧洲的经济和政治地位不可忽视。维谢格拉德集团是中欧精神的承载者、区域合作的舞台以及捍卫成员国利益的平台。在欧洲的变局中,维谢格拉德集团何去何从在某种意义上将决定中欧的未来。 Visegrad Group is an important sub-regional organization in Europe.Its position in the European economic and political status cann't be ignored.Visegrad Group has multifunction:carrier of the spirit of Central Europe,the stage of regional cooperation,and platform of safeguarding the interests of the member states.As the development of Europe's situation,what course does Visegrad Group to follow in some way will determine the future of Central Europe.
作者 孔田平
出处 《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期74-82,96,共9页 Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
基金 中国-中东欧国家关系研究基金中外合作联合课题研究项目"中国与维谢格拉德集团全方位合作研究"(课题编号LHKT201401)研究成果的一部分
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  • 1Jan JedliOka, Juraj Kotian and Rainer MUnz, Visegrad Four- 10 years of EU membership, Erste Group Research, CEE Special Report, http .//echoalpha- fr/wp - content/uploads/2014/IM/ V4 - report, pdf.
  • 2Prospects of Closer EU - China Cooperation. A View From Central Europe Lecture Presented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign & European Affairs of the Slovak Republic H. E. Miroslav Lajg6k at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Institute of European Studies in Beijing,China on February 3,2015.
  • 3Adam Balcer, A wishful thinking? Military cooperation in the Visegrad Group, http://visegradrevue, eu/a - wishful - thinking - military - cooperation - in - the - visegrad - group/.
  • 4Czech PM. Visegrad Group not a Masonic Lodge, http .// www. euractiv, corn/future - eu/czech -pm - viscgrad - group - ma- sonic - news - 498186.
  • 5A View on Central Europe. Does the V4 have a future? http .//www. cepoliey, org/publications/view - central - europe - does - v4 - have - future.
  • 6Prospects of Closer EU - China Cooperation . A View From Central Europe, Lecture presented by Deputy Prime Minister and Min- ister of Foreign & European Affairs of the Slovak Republic H. E. Miroslav Laj 66k at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Institute of European Studies in Beijing, China on February 3,2015.
  • 7Rick Fawn, Visegrad . Fit for Purpose, Communist and Post - Communist Studies,46 (2013 ), p. 341.
  • 8Milan Kundera, The Tragedy of Central Europe, New York Review of Books, Volume 31, Number 7, April 26,1984.
  • 9Ibid.
  • 10Timothy Garton Ash, " Does Central New York Review of Books, October 9,1986.











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