

On Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Based On Cobb- Douglas Production Function
摘要 分工与协作的多元化使得供应链成员间的关系呈现出网络化的趋势。为更合理地设计供应链网络,基于投入与产出的视角,利用柯布-道格拉斯函数,分析在资源优化配置条件下供应链资源投入成本与产出数量间的基本关系,在此基础上构建不同市场结构下的供应链网络竞争模型,指出竞争网络规模和供应链个体差异对网络均衡的影响。认为供应链网络规模的增加将导致供应链个体和供应链网络整体利润水平的降低,供应链个体转化能力的差异化却能缓解网络规模增加的不利。通过数值算例分析,验证所得出的结论。 The diversification of labor division and cooperation, endows the competition between supply chains a networ- king trend. In order to better design the supply chain network, based on the perspective of input and output, under guid- ance of optimal resources allocation, Cobb Douglas function is used to analyze the basic relationship between cost and out- put and draw a conclusion that the optimal production and supply chain input are linear related. Based on the conclusion, the supply chain network competition model under different market structures is established, and the impact of network scale and individual differences on network equilibrium are analyzed. It is concluded that increasing network scale will lead to lower profit level for both overall network and individual supply chain, which is not conducive to the long - term develop- ment of the industry. However, the individual differences between supply chain transformation abilities can alleviate the negative effects of increasing network scale. Finally, numerical examples are used to verify the conclusion in theoretical a- nalysis.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第15期196-202,共7页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"顾客导向型供应链竞合网络协调及突变应对研究"(71371061) 黑龙江省教育厅人文社科项目"基于供应链金融的黑龙江省高技术产业融资模式创新"(12532152)
关键词 管理科学与工程 供应链网络 CD生产函数 网络规模 转化能力 management science and engineering supply chain network CD production function network scale trans- formation ability
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