
外商直接投资与城市化对中国碳排放的影响研究——基于我国省级行政区际视角 被引量:3

The Research of Carbon Dioxide Emission of China Caused by FDI and Urbanization—Based on Provincial Level
摘要 契合当前中国经济的主要特征,运用2000—2012年省级行政区际面板数据,对影响我国碳排放的各种影响因素进行了实证分析。结果表明,对外贸易依存度、城市化水平、人口规模、经济结构对我国二氧化碳排放有显著正影响,但各自的影响系数由弱渐强;外商直接投资一定程度上能降低碳排放,但作用偏小且发生在当期;人均产出水平的提高并未带来二氧化碳排放的实质性减少,说明节能减排技术还没有在生产扩张过程中得到足够的重视;二氧化碳排放是一个连续的过程,受前期的影响很大且显著为正。 Taking the main features of China's current economy into consideration, the various driving factors of carbon e- missions were analyzed with the provincial - level panel data of 2000 - 2012. The results indicated that foreign trade de- pendence degree, urbanization rate, population, economic structure had a significant positive impact on China's carbon di- oxide emissions, and their influence coefficients changed from weak to strong. The foreign direct investment could reduce carbon dioxide emissions to some extent, but the effect was small and only occurred in current period. The output per capita did not bring substantial reductions to carbon dioxide emissions, which means that the energy - saving and emission - re- ducing technologies were not widely used in expansion process of production. The carbon dioxide emission was a continuous process, and the current emission was greatly impacted by the prior emission with a significantly positive effect.
作者 田泽永 张明
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第15期240-244,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"异质性视角下FDI溢出技术的吸收主体定位与最佳区间探讨"(12YJA790126)
关键词 二氧化碳 面板 静态模型 动态模型 carbon dioxide panel data static model dynamic model
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