

The Exploration and Analysis of Creativity from the Philosophical Perspective
摘要 创造力从被提出以来,已在全世界范围内引起广泛关注。创造力是人类文明进步的重要推动力量。创造力蕴含着主体性、开放性、多元性等特性。对创造力最近的研究成果进行简要梳理和述评,从哲学的视角考察了"创造"的概念,进一步提出创造所潜藏的哲学意蕴。由于创造力的发展涉及到人之为人的本性,人类未来应当慎重发展创造力,并将必要的伦理规约贯穿于创造力的培养及应用之中,确保创造力的发展是有益而不是危及我们人类自身。 The creativity has been aroused widespread attention around the world since it was proposed. Creativity is an important driving force for progressing of human civilization. Creativity contains the features as subjectivity, openness, plu- ralism, and so on. This article gives a brief discussion and review about recent research achievements of creativity, which not only investigate the conception of "creating" from the philosophical perspective, but also put forward the hidden mean- ings of philosophy of "creating". Due to creativity involves the nature of human beings, human beings should be prudent in developing it and put codes of ethics throughout the cultivation and application of it, and ensure that the development of cre- ativity is beneficial rather than dangerous to ourselves.
作者 郭佳楠
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第15期249-253,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"提升文化科技创新能力的机理和对策研究"(12AZD020) 辽宁省社会科学规划项目"新兴科学技术哲学研究"(L13c2x010) 沈阳市软科学项目"创新驱动沈阳新型工业化的协同发展战略研究"(F14-230-5-02)
关键词 创造力 创造 伦理 creativity creating ethics
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