目的 :评价钟摆矫治器远中移动磨牙的疗效。方法 :测量 10例应用该矫治器推磨牙向远中患者的术前术后模型 ,观察磨牙远中移动的距离及磨牙间宽度、覆覆盖的变化。结果 :钟摆矫治器使磨牙每月平均远中移动 1 7mm ,磨牙间宽度平均减小 0 9mm ,覆平均减小 1 5mm ,覆盖基本无变化。结论 :钟摆矫治器是一种快速有效的推磨牙向远中的矫治器 ,对第二磨牙已萌的成人患者也有效。但它有打开咬合的作用 ,不适用于高角病例。
Objective:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical effects of pendulum appliance on molar distalization.Methods:Ten cases of patients were selected for this study, and whose molars were moved distally with the pendulum appliance. The models of patients before and after treatment were analyzed. The distance of moved molars and occlusion of each patient were examined.Results:The molar was moved distally with a speed of 1.7 mm per month. The width between molars and over bite was declined 0.9 mm and 1.5 mm respectively. No changes were found in over jet.Conclusion:The clinic effects of pendulum appliance are obvious. It is suitable for adult patients in which the second molars have erupted, but not for patients with high angles.\;
West China Journal of Stomatology