3Birgit Daiber, Comedia Hildebrandt and Anna Striethorst (ed.), From Revolution to Coalition - Radical left Parties in Europe, Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, 2012.
4Europe: Democracy at Stake (Transform ! European Journal for Alternative Thinking and Political Dialogue, 10/ 2012).
5Gerassimos Moschonas, The European Union and the Dilemmas of the Radical Left: Some Preliminary Thoughts, Eu- rope - No Future ( Transform ! European Journal for Alternative thinking and political dialogue, 09/2011 ).
8Vera Glassner, Government and Trade Union Responses to the Economic Crisis in the Financial Sector, Working paper, 2009, 09, European Trade Union Institute, http : //www. etui. org/Publications2/Working-Papers/Government-and-trade- union - responses - to- the - economic-crisis -in- the- financial- sector.
9Birgit Daiber, Cornedia Hildebrandt and Anna Striethorst (ed.) , From Revolution to Coalition--Radical left Parties in Eu- rope, Berlin: Rosa -l.uxemburg-Foundation, 2012, p. 7.
10Birgit Daiber, Cornedia Hildebrandt and Anna Striethorst (ed.), From Revolution to Coalition - Radical left Parties in Europe, Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, 2012, p. 27.