
Cd_3Al_2Ge_3O_(12)∶Mn^(2+)磷光体的发光和长余辉性能 被引量:2

Luminescent and Long-Lasting Properties of Cd_3Al_2Ge_3O_(12)∶Mn^(2+) Phosphor
摘要 采用传统的高温固相法合成了Cd3Al2Ge3O12∶Mn2+长余辉发光材料,利用X射线粉末衍射仪、荧光光谱仪、热释光谱计量仪等手段对粉末样品进行了表征。研究了以Zr4+离子作为辅助激活剂离子,对发光材料Cd3Al2Ge3O12∶Mn2+余辉性能的影响。分析结果表明,样品位于500~700 nm的黄光宽带发射峰源于Mn2+的4T1(4G)→6A1(6S)跃迁发射结果。并且观察到了由Cd3Al2Ge3O12基质向激活剂离子Mn2+的能量传递。共掺杂Zr4+离子后样品发射峰位没有明显变化,但是余辉亮度衰减曲线表明适量的Zr4+离子掺杂可延长Cd3Al2Ge3O12∶Mn2+的余辉时间。通过对热释光谱的分析,解释了双掺杂荧光粉余辉性能增强的原因,Zr4+的掺杂在材料中引入了深度更为合适的缺陷陷阱,可有效存储光能,增强余辉的时间和强度。 Cd3Al2Ge3O12∶Mn2+ afterglow phosphors were synthesized by the conventional solid-state reaction in this work, and the enhanced afterglow properties were observed with Zr4+ ions co-doping. The Cd3Al2Ge3O12∶Mn2+, Zr4+ phosphors were characterized by using XRD, photoluminescence and thermoluminescence spectroscopy. The emission spectrum shows a broad emission band from 500 to 700 nm which is assigned to the 4T1(4G)→6A1(6S) transitions of Mn2+ ion. An energy transfer from the Cd3A1zGe3012 host to Mn2+ ions was observed. The center and the profile of the emission remain unchanged when co-doped with Zr4+ ions, but the introduction of Zr4+ ions improved the afterglow duration. Thermoluminescence spectra indicated that the introduction of Zr4+ into the host produces traps with suitable depth, resulting in the enhanced phosphorescence of Mn2+.
出处 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期1529-1533,共5页 Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.61205178 11274057 11474046) 辽宁省博士启动基金(No.20121073) 大连市金州新区科技计划项目(No.2012-A1-051) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(No.DC201502080302 DC201502080203) 大连民族学院大学生创新创业训练计划(No.X201413257)资助项目
关键词 长余辉发光 锰离子 能量传递 long-lasting luminescence Mn2+ ion energy transfer
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