
听读交互模式下的词汇搭配知识附带习得研究 被引量:11

Incidental Acquisition of Second Language Collocation during Reading while Listening
摘要 本文探讨了160名中国英语学习者在听读修订的分级读物过程中对不同重现次数(1,6,10,20)词汇搭配的附带习得情况,包括其接受性词汇搭配形式知识、接受性及产出性词汇搭配形式与意义知识。研究发现:听读修订的分级读物可促成词汇搭配知识的附带习得,目标搭配重现次数对词汇搭配附带习得有重要影响,重现1次便可促成可观的接受性词汇搭配形式与意义知识的附带习得,重现10次可促成可观的产出性词汇搭配形式与意义知识的附带习得,且重现次数越多,习得量越大。这些发现对英语教学与学习有重要的启示作用。 This study explored the incidental acquisition of second language collocations, both receptive and productive collocational knowledge, when 160 Chinese EFL learners simultaneously read and listened to one of four versions of modified graded reader which include different numbers of encounters (1, 6, 10, 20). The findings are as follows, collocations can be learned incidentally through reading while listening to a modified graded reader; the number of encounters has a positive effect on learning, among which one encounter may lead to substantial acquisition of receptive knowledge of collocation form and meaning, while 10 encounters can lead to the sizeable acquisition of productive ones. Moreover, as the number of encounters increases, gains increase as well. The above findings have many implications for second language learning and teaching.
作者 闫丽俐
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期23-28,共6页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
基金 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目阶段性成果 项目编号2014BYY026 全国教育科学规划2011年度外语教育研究专项课题 课题编号:GPA115003 2012年度河南省高等教育教学改革研究省级项目 项目编号:2012SJGLX155
关键词 附带习得 搭配 听读交互模式 重现次数 Incidental Acquisition Collocation Reading while Listening Number of Encounters
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