
孕期服用雄黄致先天性内耳畸形1例 被引量:2

One case of a pregnant femal taking realgar induceing congenital inner ear malformation
摘要 患者,男,2周岁,来自农村,因语言发育迟缓1年于2014年12月14日来我院就诊。询问既往史,患儿顺产,出生时为左手六指畸性(患儿1岁左右进行了手术),有呼吸喘鸣音,在当地医院诊断为喉软骨发育不良,现喉部症状已消失,无高热及耳毒性药物使用史,否认耳聋家族史;患儿的2个同胞姐姐均听力正常,身体健康。母亲体健,无先兆流产保胎史。 A pregnant female taken realgar because of superstition,which caused the baby congenital deafness.Auditory test indicated that bilateral auditory brainstem response(ABR)hearing threshold level was greater than 90 dB nHL and auditory steady state response(ASSR)hearing level ranging from 0.5kHz to 4kHz was beyond 110 dB HL.Temporal bone CT showed that bilateral cochlear and semicircular canal malformations,with internal auditory canal broadened.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第15期1390-1391,共2页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
关键词 孕妇 雄黄 内耳畸形 pregnant women realgar inner ear malformation
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